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Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney

Sexual harassment is unlawful conduct that no employee should have to endure in the workplace. Sexual harassment can make any person’s life intolerable and includes unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and a wide range of other verbal or physical conduct.  If you have been harmed by sexual harassment in the workplace, contact Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation for assistance. Our experienced Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers can help you fight against employers, coworkers, and others who engage in sexual harassment and take back your future.

How Can a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney Help?

If you believe you have suffered sexual harassment, you can document the incidents and notify your employer or human resources. Many employers have a complaint procedure that you should follow. In addition, speaking with an experienced sexual harassment lawyer as soon as possible can be helpful in protecting your rights.  Sexual harassment claims can be extremely complex and time-sensitive. If you are unsure what your options are and need someone to take a look at your case, finding a local legal representative in Los Angeles can give you peace of mind.

Harassment attorneys at Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation can help inform you of your legal options and help you choose the best course of action for your situation. Attorney Omid Nosrati combines powerful advocacy with his own focused knowledge of employment law gained over the course of more than 15 years of legal practice.

Call a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney for a free consultation (310) 734-4034 

Sexual harassment is a violation of federal civil law. A civil rights attorney can help you identify the presence of sexual harassment and file a claim with the EEOC before filing any additional charges against your employer. Schedule a free case evaluation with our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney and to discuss your legal options today.  No FEES unless we win.

Sexual Harassment Claims Quick Answers:

Workplace Protections Against Sexual Harassment

There are a number of state and federal laws banning sexual harassment in the workplace. The two main sources of California’s laws are the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. FEHA expressly forbids sexual harassment at work, while Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of sex (including pregnancy), gender, or other protected classes. Breaking any of these laws could result in employer liability for sexual harassment.

Most Common Types of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can take on many forms. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment is an illegal form of discrimination with serious consequences. It may take the form of requests for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, and verbal or physical actions that affect a person’s ability to work. Sexual harassment interferes with a person’s work performance and creates a hostile work environment.

What is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?

Quid Pro Quo” harassment occurs when an employer’s decisions regarding the status of an employee depend on his or her willingness to deal with sexual harassment. This may affect promotions, work assignments, or even the ability to keep your job. Federal law considers unwelcome sexual advances or other sexual conduct quid pro quo harassment when:

  •  An employer maintains, whether implicitly or explicitly, that a condition of employment relies on dealing with the sexual conduct
  • Rejection of sexual harassment is a basis for making decisions regarding employment status.

What is Considered a Hostile Work Environment?

A hostile work environment claim is a broader category that applies when unwelcome sexual conduct makes your workplace offensive or intimidating. The courts may rule that requests for sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute harassment when:

  • The conduct interferes with an employee’s ability to do his or her job
  • The actions of another create an atmosphere of intimidation or hostility in the workplace

The courts may determine if the conduct was hostile based on the frequency and duration of the harassment, as well as whether a supervisor or co-worker conducted it.

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How Long Do I Have to Report Sexual Harassment?

It can be difficult to speak up about sexual harassment. Some victims come forward months or years after the incident or never come forward at all. We encourage all sexual harassment victims and witnesses to workplace harassment to confide in our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys about this issue, so we can take immediate action to remedy the situation. You typically have one year to file a state claim with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and 300 days to file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). However, certain exceptions can apply, especially if you are a federal employee or an employee of another government entity. You should consult with an experienced local harassment lawyer as soon as possible to make sure you don’t miss the applicable statute of limitations.

What If My Employer Ignores My Sexual Harassment Claim?

Many victims of sexual harassment find it hard to speak up after an incident, especially when it occurs in the workplace. If you experience sexual harassment in the workplace, you should always try to report the behavior to a superior or member of human resources as quickly as possible.

Employers have a duty to investigate any claims of sexual harassment thoroughly. All workplaces should have a procedure in place to handle these claims. If the report is true, employers should not tolerate these behaviors, no matter the circumstances.

However, some employers don’t act on complaints. An employer may neglect a harassment complaint for any of the following reasons:

  • The employer does not take sexual harassment seriously and has no interest in investigating such claims.
  • There is a culture that allows for excusing high-performing employees and supervisors of inappropriate behavior.
  • The employer doesn’t see the nature of the complaint as “serious” enough to warrant intervention, such as not recognizing persistent sexual comments or a hostile work environment as forms of harassment.

Filing a Complaint with the EEOC

Employers who do not help under these circumstances are violating your rights as an employee. This can make your employer additionally liable for sexual harassment. After you’ve reported the incident at your workplace, you can proceed to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. You can also report your employer’s lack of action at this time. These organizations will then investigate your claim and take appropriate legal action.

If the EEOC or DFEH determines that your case does qualify for sexual harassment and issues you a right to sue letter or you believe the organization didn’t take appropriate action, you will be able to file a civil lawsuit against your harasser and employer.

While you may fear that your employer will not properly investigate your sexual harassment complaint, you should still follow your workplace’s sexual harassment procedures. By filing a complaint, you can establish that you asked your employer for help and did not receive any. This evidence can help your case as you file a claim with the EEOC or DFEH and if your case proceeds to a civil lawsuit.


Because failure to act can make your employer liable for your sexual harassment claim, you may be able to recover additional damages. In some cases, you may be able to recover punitive damages along with emotional and physical compensation.

If your employer not only fails to help following a sexual harassment complaint but then terminates you for reporting, you also have grounds for a wrongful termination claim. California and federal law both prohibit employers from firing employees who exercise their legal employment rights – including reporting incidents of sexual harassment. In a successful claim, you can recover lost wages, benefits, and emotional damages for wrongful termination in addition to your compensation for sexual harassment.

California law takes sexual harassment cases very seriously – and so do we. When your employer doesn’t take appropriate action, we can help you through the correct procedures so that you can protect your rights, recover compensation, and work in an environment that has your safety and comfort in mind.

los angeles ca best sexual harassment attorney

Types of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can vary widely depending on the situation and nature of the occurrence. It may take the form of threats, be verbal in nature, or be physical or environmental. Here are some examples:

  • Threatening

    • Sexual threatening most often occurs when an employer threatens termination or a negative change in job status unless an employee agrees to submit to sexual harassment. Often, subjecting to sexual harassment is a condition of employment. This is a “quid pro quo” type of sexual harassment that can contribute to a hostile work environment.
  • Physical Sexual Harassment

    • Physical acts, such as unwanted sexual advances or assault, are serious forms of sexual harassment that contribute to an unsafe or hostile work environment. Examples may include unwanted touching, hugging, kissing, or fondling oneself in front of others.
  • Verbal Sexual Harassment

    • Comments on an employee’s physical attributes or telling sexually inappropriate jokes may be a form of verbal sexual harassment. Spreading rumors about other employee’s sexual activity or performance also constitutes verbal sexual harassment.
  • Non-Verbal Sexual Harassment

    • Unwanted personal attention such as pressure for personal interaction, touching oneself inappropriately, or letters can elevate to sexual harassment when they lead to a hostile or intimidating work environment.
  • Environmental Sexual Harassment

    • Environmental sexual harassment refers to actions and advances, whether of a verbal or non-verbal nature, that contribute to an environment of hostility that affects work performance. Environmental sexual harassment is a systemic breakdown of workplace conduct that makes work difficult or impossible for a victim.

Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation not only has experience in working with the complexities of sexual harassment cases, but we understand that these claims can be emotionally taxing to go through. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment in Los Angeles,  schedule a free consultation with a Los Angeles employment attorney today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Workplace Sexual Harassment Law in California

If you’re the victim of sexual harassment at work, there are probably a hundred questions around troubling you. Mr. Nosrati and his team of experienced associates are here to answer these questions and resolve any concerns you may have in terms of the law in California, your rights as a worker, and the state of your future. Use this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page as a jumping-off point for your sexual harassment claim, and confide in our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyers during a free consult for more in-depth information. Our consultations are always completely confidential.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, threats relating to sexual favors, verbal harassment of a sexual nature, physical harassment, and non-sexual conduct relating to an employee’s sex. The law in California does not prohibit trivial annoyances, teasing, offhand comments, or non-serious isolated incidents. It does, however, make it unlawful to harass someone so frequently or severely that it creates an offensive or hostile work environment, or that it results in adverse employment actions against the victim.

Does Sexual Harassment Have to Be Sexual in Nature?

No. Sexual harassment can refer to any offensive remarks, jokes, or conduct regarding an employee’s sex. For example, a coworker constantly making jokes about women workers can qualify as sexual harassment if it creates a hostile work environment for female employees. Any offensive comments or actions about someone’s sex can be harassment.

Do the Victim and Perpetrator Have to Be Opposite Sexes?

No. Although the majority of sexual harassment claims stem from employer-employee relationships of the opposite sex, there are cases in which both parties are the same sex. The sexes of the perpetrator and the victim do not matter in your claim. What matters is the conduct of the perpetrator and the consequences for you as the victim.

Can My Employer Fire Me If I Complain About Sexual Harassment?

Legally, no. It is against the law to terminate an employee for making a complaint about harassment or discrimination in the workplace, as well as to report safety code violations or other broken laws. If you lost your job shortly after complaining about sexual harassment at work, you might be the victim of wrongful termination. The same is true if you suffered any adverse employment action, including a demotion or pay cut.

Do I Need to Retain a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney?

If you have any doubts about your rights as an employee, questions about what to do, or concerns about how to get your job back or recover damages after sexual harassment, contacting a knowledgeable employment attorney can help.

Feel free to request a free consultation with Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation if you want to speak with an employment lawyer in Los Angeles at no cost or obligation about your potential claim. We represent clients in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California.

Other Los Angeles, CA Sexual Harassment Law Resources

The Nosrati Law College Scholarship